Transitions: Summer Behind Me and Work Ahead

Last night we had our first frost, so I know Fall is here, and I must say it is beautiful. The days are just warm enough, the nights cool.

A view of our creek

A view of our creek

Autumn has never been my favorite time of year, although I prefer it to the long winter months. I enjoy the first snowfall, but that’s about it. Yet this year the autumn feels different to me. I’m enjoying being outside. My only complaint is my allergies are worse than ever.

Change of season always makes me stop to consider where I’ve been and especially what I plan for the coming months. I thought I’d share my ambitions and invite you to share yours.

I have been working on republishing my Big Lake Murder mystery series. I got the right to the books back last year, but have been slow to redo them. There was too much else I was doing. I thought they would take only a bit of work, but I was surprised what I had to rewrite. They first came out in 2011 and 2013, not so long ago, but in those few years, I guess I’ve learned a thing or two.

Here’s a preview of the redone covers:

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The books should be out in late October or early November.

October 1 is D day for beginning the writing on my sixth book in the Eve Appel Mysteries. I have an outline, but you know how fickle those are.

My husband Glenn and I will be signing books at the Green Toad Bookstore in Oneonta on Saturday Oct 1 from 2-4.  Visit them on line for a tour of the store, Even if you can’t stop by that day, you must visit the store. It is a lovely place to browse for books and gifts, and you can pop directly into the Latte Lounge for a cuppa and a treat or sandwich.

Glenn’s birthday is in October, and I usually throw him a birthday bash, but we’ve decided not to do that this year because I’m not able to do all the prep for the party due to back issues. We will probably go out to dinner and celebrate with friends instead.

Finally, there is the annual preparation for leaving Upstate New York: closing our house here, driving to Florida and settling in there for the winter.

Until we leave, I want to enjoy the wonderful weather here. My garden has provided me with beauty, a gift I should be grateful for especially since I have neglected  it all summer while I wrote and edited.

So those are my plans for the months ahead. What do you have on your to do list?

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